Wednesday 11th July

We decided that this Wednesday we would once again try some team building exercises with the group at Kaylehli, as last time we fell short of expectations.

We were much more successful this time around!  We needed a bit more time, however once we got rolling, the group really started to work as a team and enjoy the joint accomplishments.  We set up a giant "spider web" using rope between two pillars.  The children had to successfully get all members through, without disturbing the spider.  They excelled once they took a moment to strategize and work together.  As they assisted each other to climb through, the cheering and excitement increased.  It was fun to see them so supportive of one another.

We ended the day by revisiting the river crossing exercise.  This time, they moved through the activity swiftly, with the boys already working in unison from the previous challenge. The task which they had struggled with so mightily the week before, was a breeze.

Check out the photos!

