Delhi to Bangalore

It is an overwhelming experience arriving in Delhi. Even if you think you are a seasoned traveller, little can prepare you for the noise, colours, smells, liveliness and poverty. Mine and Lynn's first taste of India was the taxi ride from the airport which seemed to be undertaken at breakneck speed, barely avoiding other road users including buses, cars, rickshaws, auto-rickshaws, motorbikes, bicycles and cows. The main (possibly only) traffic rule being whatever is biggest has right of way apart from the cows, which are sacred and can go anywhere.

The first few days were challenging, learning how to bargain and how to avoid the touts and shopkeepers determined to part you from your money. There is no room for politeness and you soon learn to give an abrupt 'no' or just completely ignore them. To counter this, you also meet many lovely people who will show you the way, talk to you, bring you chai (tea) and make you feel very welcome. After the initial insanity you settle into the rhythym and can take in the many sights to be seen on the never dull busstling streets.

Our first task is to visit the Dream a Dream Foundation in Bangalore, so after a few days in Delhi we boarded the 40 hour train and headed south. This is a brilliant way to travel. You stay in one place, see loads of countryside as well as having the opportunity to nap at leisure; perfect sightseeing.

We are not due to visit Dream a Dream until Monday so have taken a few days to visit Mysore, a small town (only 700,000 people) near Bangalore. The weather is incredibly hot for us but apparently cold for the locals. We have learnt how incense sticks are made and have been divulged the secret scent of CK1 perfume!

So we will head back to Bangalore on Sunday to see the project. Phil will join us on Wednesday and then it's back to Delhi to pick up the last of our team Kevan on the 7th March.
