Our very own photographer

We've been incredibly lucky to have had Ana Grillo, an American photographer working with us on the project. Having met up with one of our volunteers, Katherine, in Southern India she was looking for opportunities to use her photography skills with worthy projects in India.

During the four weeks she was here Ana worked ceaselessly to meet all our demands. She took photos of all the children at Sudershana's orphanage from morning til night to compile a day in the life photo documentary series to present to our sponsors. In addition to taking photos for all the articles featuring in the magazine we are currently compiling she also performed miracles turning my holiday snaps into professional looking photographs. We now have an extensive collection of photos of all our work and also life in Manali which will be invaluable as we develop our website and move the project forward.

The kids absolutely loved having her around and all became budding photographers for the duration of her stay. They were over the moon when we took a slide show of all their pictures and Ana's to show them. We're incredibly grateful for all her hard work.

Ana is planning to stay in India for some time and continue her cause to help small grass roots NGOs like ours develop their resources and we wish her every success in her this task.
More of Ana's work can be seen on her website http://web.mac.com/anndgrillo/Site/Welcome.html
